Have the Courage to Feel!

Written by Dr. Jaena Stanley-Gonzaga

Have the courage to feel! And you will see the world for real.

Feel that you are alive and awake! Feeling is a very conscious state.

Open your senses and experience extrasensory sight.

It is a superpower that will help you take flight.

See past the illusions that stop you in your tracks.

Feeling transcends judgment, logic, and facts.

It is your trusted inner guidance that directs you towards the light.

It lets you know if you are connected or in alignment with Divine.

What you feel also acknowledges your pain and fears.

The feeling is the interpretation of the world and the emotions you feel.

Feeling allows for your emotions to move freely.

It stops stagnation so that the energy gets directed more creatively.

Feeling lets you know that you are healing. It helps you to break through your glass ceiling.

Feeling originates from your center and is the bridge between heaven on earth.

It encourages the heart to say, "I'm the master." And, the head to say, "how may I serve."

It's okay to be human. It's okay to feel.

Feeling humbles us to know that we are all on the same playing field.

Feeling is the knowing of your divine-human potential.

Have the courage to feel, express, and be inspirational.