Your Healing Path: The Return to Life

A poem inspired by my daughter, Kalea, my warrior clients, the chronically ill, the underdogs, those that are finally healing, our Angels, the Medical Medium (Anthony William), Spirit of Compassion, and God.

This is not an easy road for those that are suffering and have good intentions to find real answers to their chronic and mystery illness. On my journey, as a mom and Chiropractic Doctor, I've had my fair share of challenges, struggles, and suffering. My most significant and humbling lesson has been helping my daughter, Kalea, heal from a condition that suddenly started at twenty-one months old. She was diagnosed with Reactive Airway Disease. We know the ER very well.

Forget about being a Physician. I've felt ignored, diminished, and shamed for sharing information that I found or just letting them know my thoughts. Even mentioning that I am a Chiropractic Physician focused on Holistic Health and healing, I would just get blank stares rather than feeling like I was a part of a team. Most often, I did not feel like there was an even playing field when trying to have a conversation about my daughter's health, natural practices, or how our knowledge, together, can complement her care. Even before knowing about the Medical Medium information, I knew Kalea's liver was a big issue and a considerable part of why she would flare up so bad that the only solution would be to take her to the ER.

With a child, there is nothing available that I knew of at the time to profoundly and safely cleanse the pathogens and the toxins which my daughter had a history of when she was born. At birth, we found out that she had a Tracheo Esophageal Fistula or TEF. Her upper esophagus closed prematurely during development, and the lower esophagus ended up attaching to her windpipe. Hence, major surgery, strong medication, and antibiotics to help fix this condition. Oh! Add a MRSA infection to the list as well. She was only thirty-seven weeks old and a little less than five pounds. She was in the NICU for almost two months.

I do appreciate the medical advancements to do these lifesaving miracle surgeries and the team of doctors and nurses involved. Yet, how do we support a newborn to heal from this optimally without any backlashes in the future? I'm not going to even add what she carried over from me. Obviously, there is a bigger picture here.

I’ve had experience with M.D.s, D.O.s, N.D.s, D.C.s, Energy Healers, and other more natural Practitioners. I would do my best to follow their suggestions. Each experience leading to the next step. Confusion still creating its noise in the background. We followed nutritional recommendations, including eating eggs, bacon, and animal protein, to help Kalea gain weight. I was told that I was too strict with her nutrition.

Provided that all I was doing was feeding my daughter mostly fruits and vegetables. That hit my consciousness; I let the reigns loose and followed these nutritional recommendations, not realizing the effects on the liver. Well, that didn't work, and it put her right back into the hospital. We did it for about a year, and I noticed her congestion got worse and could not be managed by her rescue and maintenance medications.

Even as a Physician, I've been conditioned to treat patients a certain way based on obsolete information and theories. Luckily, I had a gift of energy healing, so that evened things out but not completely. However, it did grow my intuition and heart so that I may be guided by the divine. The connection with my angels and God definitely became more potent. I had a deep desire to be led clearly and directly.

Given that a few years back, my friend introduced me to the Medical Medium information, but I was not yet entirely in. It resonated and was so opposite of what I learned. I would still recommend it to my clients. It felt right to share the information. For me, my ego would resist because it seemed like too much work at the time, and it was a bit challenging to apply to our home life. Our schedule didn't have room for it. I thought there would be a better and shorter way, like focusing on nutrient deficiencies and the microbiome.

Well, that thought changed when my daughter’s health started getting worse in the latter half of 2018. Her congestion more frequent because of the back up from everything she was eating. She experienced more wheezing, coughing, and she couldn’t sleep through the night without needing to do an albuterol inhaler. The inhaled steroids weren’t working as well. She was more prone to viral infections, which would trigger her asthma. We were on high alert and ready to do her action plan to thwart going to the ER.

I knew it was time to elevate my practices as a Doctor, parent, and human being. So, I prayed and asked that I be given the information that is going to help people heal 100%, especially Kalea. Apparently, my head couldn't figure it out anymore, and all the Doctors I’ve seen regurgitated the same information with no clear-cut answer. There was too much misinformation, and it did not bring clarity to our situation. Sure enough, the Liver Rescue book was brought to my attention. When I read the book, all my confusion fell away, and it brought everything into perspective with greater understanding. What I received felt right, and it resonated with the truth. I don't think I would have gotten it if we didn't go through what we went through. The book explained the “why” of my daughter’s condition with great detail. And, it gave us the direction of “what to do” and the “why to do it.” I regained control once again with what I can control with greater confidence and courage to follow through.

I got the Liver Rescue Book in February of 2019. I started implementing what I could do for Kalea. The first thing was to get rid of the foods that fed the virus and created inflammation in her body. She was already so inflamed, and I knew it would take time. I was learning and applying as quickly as I could. Her viral load was too high to make any immediate changes in her body. During our spring break in March of 2019, Kalea had a massive flare-up. The worse ever. We drove her to the ER around nine in the evening with the whole family in the car. She was hospitalized for six days. We left the hospital, grateful that she was okay. We followed the advice of the Doctors with her medications because the last thing she needed was to go back. This was our emergency protocol. Since then, we’ve been following the Medical Medium protocol very consistently. We have more cleansing to do, and I can tell that her body is starting to turn around. We are planning on doing a 3-6-9 cleanse together for the first time very soon.

I am so thankful for what I've been through with this healing path. It's been a good ten years of learning and growth. I appreciate every moment because it woke me up. My daughter is now twelve years old, and we work together on getting her well, which has always been the inspiration for improving the health of the whole family. I am also thankful for growing into more of a compassionate and caring human being for myself, my family, clients, and community. It helped me to dig deep, go deeper, and do what must be done. Thank goodness, my husband supported us and continues to support us. Aligning with the wisdom and knowledge from above helps us return to life and experience a higher quality of life. I appreciate the tools and all the Medical Medium information that is here for us infinitely more. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

I've come to understand that health is so sacred. I embrace each soul with unconditional love on their healing journey. Every soul that walks in to see me or meets me has a heartbreaking story, and I can relate. I get it. They followed the medical route with no results to show for it. They still need medications to manage their symptoms. We gotta use what is available to us for now. That’s understandable. Eventually, some things until it is no longer necessary.

This poem is for all the journeyers, wounded souls, and underdogs. This poem also expresses the experiences that my family and I had to go through to gain clarity. It was worth it because so many are benefiting and are finally healing. Enjoy the poem!

Blessings, love, and joy,

Dr. Jaena

Your Healing Path: The Return to Life

Misinformation and health trends

divert you from your healing path.

There are no long term benefits

and may leave you feeling like a hypochondriac.

Animal vs. plant protein, fruit fear, and eggs.

Fasting or snacking, or Paleo and Keto are very confusing!

Following suggestions and prescriptions

based on outdated theories keeps you circling.

Keep in mind the health industry is a business.

Without sick people, it won't exist.

Medical communities have hit a wall to help the chronically ill.

It's time to go above and beyond to help people heal.

The chronically ill are suffering from mystery illnesses galore.

The most common answer," it's genetic" or" your body is attacking itself," and nothing more.

How can you heal when you feel you are at fault?

The thought," there's nothing I can do," are a barrier and your natural default.

Yet, you do the medications, therapies, and supplementations.

Most often, it makes you feel worse by worsening your conditions.

From this Doctor to that Doctor, this specialist and that,

a laundry list of symptoms with no healing that really lasts.

The cause is still in question,

and what to do about it has missed the mark.

It's keeping millions of wounded souls in the dark.

Managing symptoms may be helpful but is not a cure.

There is hope for healing with information that is pure.

The Medical Medium has been the messenger

since he was a little boy.

He brought forth the sacred wisdom

from the Spirit of Compassion eventually with joy.

It surpasses Scientific Research.

It is knowledge from above.

Twenty to forty years of advanced medical information

that is delivered with unconditional love.

Who has the time to wait for scientific research

for answers that are already here?

Your prayers have been heard.

It's time to choose from love rather than fear.

There is something you can do, unlike what others say.

You can heal using Medical Medium info, so why not start today?

It's not your fault that you are sick.

You are not a negative person, nor a lunatic.

Whether anxiety, depression, vertigo, chronic fatigue, or Lyme.

Gut problems, autoimmune, fibromyalgia, bloating, and UTI.

This list does not cover

all who suffer.

There are real causes of your illness.

Clear answers that will help you get through this.

Fruits, vegetables, herbs, and wild foods are the holy four.

Make sure to cleanse your liver and body

of the Troublemakers and Unforgiving four.

Viruses, DDT, Radiation, and Toxic Heavy Metals.

They've been wreaking havoc on our health for many generations.

You have been there and done that.

And, may not have the will to take another step.

This time is different. You are not alone.

You'll gain the clarity that you've been asking for all along.

Know that the Medical Medium has got your back.

Also, ask for support from God and your angels,

and you'll get your healing back on track.

Start with the Cleanse to Heal Book.

But, any Medical Medium info will do.

You have much to learn,

so use these tools that are available for you.

You have the heart of a warrior.

And, you are an underdog too.

Your healing is just beginning.

You'll return to life very soon.